New on my website is a Special Education Toolbox for homeschool families that I put together as part of my graduate coursework at FSU this past semester. It has four separate resources:
- Northeast Florida Resources for Home Educated Students with Special Needs – A list of local organizations, therapists, alternative therapists, play areas, scholarships, and special events.
- Special Education Glossary – A slideshow defining some of the common terms used in special education.
- Home Education Students with Special Needs Pamphlet – Outlines what to do if you suspect your child has a special need, the difference in an IEP and 504 Plan, parent/student rights, and an overview of the Gardiner Scholarship.
- Strategies and Adaptations for Home Education Students with Special Needs – A slideshow that gives strategies and adaptations for various diagnoses and disabilities.
Please check it out and share!