What does Florida law say about having my child evaluated each year?
Each student must do ONE of the following each year:
- Have educational progress evaluated by a teacher holding a valid regular Florida teaching certificate and selected by the parent. The evaluation must include review of a portfolio and discussion with the student;
- Take any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher;
- Take “a state student assessment test used by the school district and administered by a certified teacher, at a location and under testing condition approved by the school district”;
- Be evaluated by a Florida licensed psychologist or school psychologist; or
- Be “evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as mutually agreed upon by the superintendent.”
Are cyber evaluations legal?
Absolutely!! 100% LEGAL!! Florida law simply requires the homeschool portfolio be evaluated by a certified educator and that the educator has a conversation about the portfolio with the parent and student. Submitting your portfolio electronically allows me to evaluate your student’s portfolio quickly and efficiently. We can use Skype to have a video conference or just talk via phone.
How do you evaluate students’ portfolios?
I evaluated each student's portfolio on an individual bases. Each student must show growth based on their learning ability in each area that was taught throughout the year. I am not concerned about state or national standards as these are not required by Florida law. Children learn naturally so it is extremely difficult for them to not show educational growth throughout a year’s time. I have worked with a wide range of students with varying needs and learning abilities. Please make sure to let me know any thing I may need to know to properly evaluate your child.
Where do we meet?
I offer several choices for evaluations. I am currently booking morning appointment at my home in north Mandarin for portfolio evaluations OR, if you prefer to save gas and don’t want to have to worry about making sure to bring everything, make an appointment to meet with me ONLINE using a video chat (such as Skype) or via a phone conversation. Evening and weekend appointments for online services are available as well.
What do you do with the portfolio and records after the evaluation?
Florida law requires that the portfolio be kept by the parent for two years. This releases Sunshine Homeschool Evaluations from having to keep any records once the portfolio evaluation form has been signed. All digital records are deleted within a month of the portfolio review automatically and all paper records are returned to the parent. Personal information for your account is kept on a local computer and is never given out or sold to anyone. We value your privacy and keep all records confidential ALWAYS.
Do students in umbrella schools need to be evaluated by a certified teacher?
If the umbrella school is registered as a private school in the state of Florida, then an evaluation is not required.
Do students enrolled in FLVS need to be evaluated by a certified teacher?
If the student is enrolled as a full time student in Florida Virtual School then the student is considered to be a public school student in most Florida counties. Please contact your county for details if your child is enrolled full time and you are concerned about an evaluation.
If the student is only taking certain classes or partial coursework from FLVS, then they are considered a homeschooler and must meet the requirements under the Florida homeschool law. FLVS final grades may be submitted for evaluation and will fall under curriculum list, activity log, and work samples. Just the final grade for each class is needed, not three samples. The same applies for other online courses as long as proper documentation of course completion is submitted.