WRAT 5: Wide Range Achievement Test Version 5
Purpose: Measure the basic academic skills of reading, spelling, and math computation.
Age Range: 5 to 94 years
Administration Time: Approximately 1 hour.
Administration Setting: Administered one on one and scored immediately by the test administrator. Assessment results are discussed with the parent and student (if desired) once scoring is complete.
Four Subtests of the WRAT-5
- Word Reading measures letter and word decoding through letter identification and word recognition.
- Sentence Comprehension measures an individual's ability to gain meaning from words and to comprehend ideas and information contained in sentences through the use of a modified cloze technique.
- Spelling measures an individual's ability to encode sounds into written form through the use of a dictated spelling format containing both letters and words.
- Math Computation measures an individual's ability to perform basic mathematics computations through counting, identifying numbers, solving simple oral problems, and calculating written mathematics problems.
The WRAT 5 is a norm-referenced national assessment that gives scaled scores along with an age level and or grade level equivalent. There are two forms available so that it may be given at the beginning and end of the year without repetition of test questions.
Cost is $100 per student. Annual Evaluation form included if needed. A virtual testing option is available for those not in the northeast Florida area for an additional $25.
The WRAT-5 is on the approved list of assessments for the PEP and FES-UA scholarships and can be billed directly through the EMA system with no out-of-pocket expenses for PEP or the legacy system for FES-UA students registered with Step Up for Students (SUFS). Please contact Rebecca directly if you have questions on how to submit for payment to an approved provider.